Pair of The Rescuers Down Under Cody and Marahute Production Drawings (1990) - ID: jul22357

Pair of The Rescuers Down Under Cody and Marahute Production Drawings (1990) - ID: jul22357 Walt Disney




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Price: $250.00
SKU: jul22357

A pair of production drawings from the Walt Disney Studios animated film "The Rescuers Down Under" (1990). Featuring Marahute being rescued by Cody, the graphite drawings are on two separate sheets of paper but were used within the same scene. The drawings were created at the studio by Mike Cedeno and were used during the animation process. Both sheets measure 12.5"x17" overall, with the character image of Marahute measuring 10"x10.5", and the image of Cody measuring 1.5"x1.5". The drawings are in good condition with minor edge wear and some minimal wrinkling.

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